She doesn't really antagonize Doug or Jimmy, but it's clear she doesn't care for him enough/at all. Gold Digger: Gretchen turns out to be this, though she could be considered a sympathetic example: she claims she got sick and tired of dating only meathead jerks and that she was lucky to find someone "nice" like Doug to settle down with.Doug has no friends he could actually ask to be his best man and hires Jimmy to pretend to be his best man. Friendless Background: What kicks off the whole plot.Doug making the Bic Mitchum character a priest.When Doug is asked what attracted him to Gretchen all he can say is "she talked to me".Doug points out that said song was from the time that Gretchen and an ex-boyfriend had had sex Gretchen has told him this anecdote many times. The wedding song that Gretchen chooses is from the first time that she and Doug had sex.When Doug tries to arouse Gretchen, she immediately ignores his advances.The relationship between Doug and Gretchen.
Foreshadowing: The movie is littered with this, and eventually comes together very neatly.Dancing Royalty: Doug and Jimmy's shameless enthusiastic dancing stun the wedding reception, who clear the floor for the two men to have their duet.In real life, he's actually a Straight Gay that lives with his boyfriend in a messy house and smokes marijuana. Camp Gay: Edmundo (the wedding planner)'s flamboyant personality is just a ruse to exploit for better business.

Unfortunately the dog bites down in Doug, dies of a heart attack and they had to take Doug to a hospital.