On the other side of the door you'll find a broken wall and a tree, where the log is lying. Head around the fort to find a now unlocked wooden gate, and follow the trail looping around the walls to another door with a puzzle. Once done, return to the puzzle panel in one of the towers that had two solutions, and enable the other switch that leads out the back of the tower. This tape is behind a locked gate near the Entry Area, which you will need to unlock after unlock the main gate. Take the left path along the ramparts until you are above the main gate, where you'll find the small log on the far side of the gate's top. To find this audio tape, open the main gate in the Entry Area, and head down the path and hang a left to find a hill leading onto the Entry Area's ramparts. However, please read the "Known Issues" section in the wiki first, as your issue may be addressed there.Play Audio Log Locations Entry Area - Main Gate Please report any issues (such as unsolvable/broken puzzles) on the issues page. Another option if you get stuck is to exit and reopen the game, solve the puzzle the normal way, then run the randomizer again. However I can't guarantee it will always work correctly, and there are some mechanics from Expert it doesn't handle. If you get stuck on a puzzle, the solver provided in the Solver folder might be able to help you. This is because the seed and difficulty were stored in your save file when you randomized initially, so they will be automatically restored and used. You don't have to enter the seed or difficulty again.

To resume where you left off after closing and relaunching the game: Enjoy your randomly created puzzles! Puzzles will revert to normal after closing the game.Click "Randomize" and wait for the process to complete.Choose difficulty and seed (leave seed blank for random).Launch WitnessRPG.exe (from any location).
#The witness mountain how to#
How to use the Witness Random Puzzle Generator:

Click here for a more detailed description. The lasers for those areas will be activated as you solve optional puzzles throughout the island. Shadows, Monastery, and Greenhouse are non-randomized in this mod. His discoveries about how puzzle data is encoded in The Witness were invaluable to this project, so a huge thank you to jbzdarkid for his contributions. This project is a fork of jbzdarkid's puzzle randomizer at. There is a program you can use that might make it work with Linux see for more details.
#The witness mountain mod#
This mod uses WinAPI, so it is only compatible with Microsoft Windows. No game files will be altered, as the randomizer works enterly in RAM. The mod requires the game in order to function.
#The witness mountain generator#
The Witness Random Puzzle Generator takes most of the puzzles in Jonathan Blow's "The Witness" and makes them into new, randomly generated puzzles. Big thank you to hatkirbyy who contributed the code for this release and got Expert working 😄 This release has not been fully tested, so I will be actively monitoring for any issues/bugs that crop up. Witness Random Puzzle Generator Click Here to Download (ver 1.3.1) Randomizer Version 1.3 is out, which includes compatibility for Expert double rando! Double rando capability is also now included in the randomizer itself.